Pizza Tower

Get your Pizza Tower Unblocked! Play for free on and overcome obstacles. Discover the tips, tricks and fun of this classic hit.
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Forget about all the dull and unexciting platformers! Pizza Tower is an action-packed ride full of hilarious moments, chaos, and so much cheese grease. From the flashy retro graphics to the game’s blazing speed, this one is a hit. It’s basically what would have happened if Mario swallowed a whole jar of spicy peppers before wreaking havoc on a bouncy castle! And the best part? You can find a version on Pizza Tower – perfect for those times when you need to get in your gaming fix quickly.

Why You Should Play Pizza Tower

  • Frantic, Combo-Fueled Fun: Think of classic Wario games mixed with pinball and you’ll have some idea of how chaotic this game can be. In this game, you can chain together dashes, wall jumps, enemy throws, and ground slams to create insane combos.
  • Peppino Spaghetti – Your Unlikely Hero: Take control of Peppino here. He’s a chef who is also portly and mustachioed. And he’s on an urgent mission: save his pizzeria from an enormous tower made entirely out of pizza! Along the way expect enemies that are just as crazy as any enemy named “Goomba” or “Koopa.”
  • Laugh as Hard as You’ll Rage: This game is designed to make you chuckle while having an incredibly frustrating time trying not to die; which you will do often. But don’t worry because even when (not if) you die again it’ll still manage to bring a smile to your face!

Pizza Tower Tips for Newbies

  • Embrace the Challenge: The experience might be streamlined here but that doesn’t mean its core principles aren’t chaos!
  • Start Easy, Ramp Up Fast: Begin on lower difficulties first so that way once you get used to the movement of everything in this game it won’t be too hard for you when things really start going bonkers.
  • Break the Rules: Running right and stomping on foes is just so 1985. Find hidden routes, throw enemies in unexpected ways, and try to complete levels as fast as you can. The game really rewards using your noggin!

Want Even More Unhinged Platforming?

If Pizza Tower has managed to grab onto your imagination then you might also like a game by the name of Unicycle Hero! It’s another platformer that uses physics and it’s absolutely crazy.

Experience the Full Flavor

Pizza Tower is an awesome game and all but if you truly find yourself having fallen in love with all its characters, places, controls, secrets, and everything else it has to offer then I would highly recommend that you purchase the full version from Steam. You’ll be able to support these hard-working developers while also getting permanent access to all the game’s updates.


With humble beginnings comes a dedicated fanbase. Pizza Tower has masterfully brought together classic platforming with weird humor and ridiculous attention to small details. It did this specifically because they knew that’s what gamers were craving for – something different.

Guide play

  • Arrow keys – Move/Ladder
  • Z – Jump
  • X – Charge
  • Up + Z – Highjump
  • Down while falling – Freefall