Raise Your Own Adorable Hero in ‘Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago’ – Hitting Mobile This April!

Welcome, everybody to an exhilarating trip inspired by the iconic Tamagotchi! This April 30th, ‘Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago’ will bring a mixture of virtual pet caring and exciting RPG action onto your mobile device.

The Fairy Queen needs you because the Dark Lord is threatening the realm. Being a Guardian Spirit, you are supposed to take care of heroic elves from their birth as eggs till they grow into epic warriors. It’s not only about feeding or washing them – you must guide their training and help them polish specific skills while getting ready for tactical preparation.

‘Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago’ cleverly integrates idle mechanics. Assign your hero on training tasks or dungeon exploration, then come back later to get the rewards and see what has been achieved. There are fearsome foes to be conquered, treasures to be found, and over thirty vivid color palettes that can be used to customize your entire experience. Besides, should your hero fall in battle, worry not for another egg waiting for you to re-launch your adventure.

About Release:

  • Release Date: April 30th, 2024
  • Platforms: iOS (App Store), Android (Google Play), itch.io, and Steam
  • Developer: 14 Hours Productions
  • Stay Informed: Follow Matthew M. Riiter on Twitter for the latest updates.